Frequently Asked Questions

Please note: The information on this page refers to version 1.0 and may differ from version 2.0 which is soon to be released!

What does it cost to register my dog on SmartSnout?

When I download the app, what options do I have?

My dog has been stolen, what do I do?

Can anyone download and use the app?

What happens if someone finds my dog?

How does the App work?

Why choose Smart Snouts nose scanning technology?

How have we used modern day technology to help our pets?

What happens if I change my dog or need to amend some details?

I’m looking to purchase a new dog, how can I be certain that the dog is genuine?

What stops my dog being exported to another country?”

How do I know my personal data is safe?

Where is the best place to take a photo for the nose scan picture?

I can’t get a close up of the dogs nose?

What separates Smart Snout from the rest?

Why use technology?

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